This summer my pet project has been learning how to grow herbs and vegetables in my own garden. Its been a lot of fun and educational as well. I posted pictures about a month ago soon after I planted. Here are some updated pictures. Its amazing to look back and see the difference in size.....watching it every day I forget how small the plants were when they were originally planted. The green onions will probably be ready to harvest in about a month. I just harvested the lettuce which made an excellent salad! In the garden, you can see the bare spot where the lettuce was. I learned that lettuce grows best in cool weather, which is why it started getting wilty when the weather got warm. So, now I grow lettuce in pots (pictured with my newest herbs I have yet to plant, Thyme and Oregano) so that I can move it to the shade or even inside depending on the weather. My hope is that I will be able to grow lettuce year round, so I plant every 2 or 3 weeks so that I will always have a steady supply. I learned that marigolds are great at keeping insects away, so I planted several randomly around the garden. Since my last garden posting, I planted green beans, which are climbing plants, which is why they are up against a wood support. I also planted squash and cucumbers (see the picture with the water bottle turned upside new make-shift continuous watering system). The squash (on the right of that picture) is growing much faster (or maybe its just a bigger plant) than the cucumber. I also planted bell peppers next to my beans. The plants are still very small and I don't think they actually are visible in any of my pictures. I'm really, really hoping this turns out well and I actually get a harvest. So far, it looks pretty good and I've really enjoyed spending time weeding and watering. My herbs are doing fantasticly.....the plants are growing so quickly that I can't use it fast enough!