Alayna is now 9 months old, can you believe it? She has had quite a few "firsts" in the last month or so. First of all, she is quite the talker....her favorite phrase (and according to Chad, her first word) is dadadadada. But before Chad got too cocky about it, I did remind him that she says that to everyone: him, me, Gavin, anyone. I'm working on "mama" to even it up, but no luck yet. Also, Alayna loves to make a sound that is kind of a cross between rolling her r's and gargling. I keep joking that she's already practicing her Spanish.
Although she's not crawling yet, she is SO CLOSE. She will reach for an object that is just out of reach and somehow scoot her body to grab it. She will also use her arms to push herself up from a laying position to sitting (which I think is completely impressive!). Of course, my ego goes flat when I got asked for the first time the other day if she was WALKING yet!?! (Seriously, is 9 months a normal age for walking??)
Funny enough, the one area that doesn't appear to be progressing at all is teething. Not one tooth yet. Its pretty funny to me because I could have sworn that she was teething around 2 months old and here we are 7 months later and no teeth. Gavin didn't get his first tooth until almost 11 months old, so I guess I just have kids who teethe late (which, to be honest, I really don't mind).