Monday, June 30, 2008

~Garden Blog Updated~

We're finally getting summer out here in the Pacific Northwest. That's right, while all of you in the rest of the country were sweltering with record high temps in June, we were bundling up with sweaters and long pants. But, the weather has finally turned in our favor and my garden is finally taking off! I just posted lots of pictures, so if that interests you, check it out! (You can click over from my "links" list over to the right.)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Storytime with Daddy

The kids just love time with their Dad! I couldn't believe that all three sat still enough for a story, so I had to document it with a picture.

One Month Down....And I'm Still Standing!

Its been a crazy month adjusting to life with three kids! Its actually been harder than I thought it would be. I think in my mind Cade was going to be as easy a baby as Alayna was. I forgot that sometimes babies cry for absolutely no reason at all for hours on end. You would have thought I would have remembered that from dealing with Gavin as a baby, but somehow I thought he was going to be super easy. I've mastered nursing in public as I've found myself on several occasions with a screaming Cade as I walked through the aisles and felt self-conscious as everyone stared. I'm sure they were probably thinking "oh poor mom" thoughts, but I still felt like they were secretly judging me. I'd quickly find the closest place to sit; sometimes the deli area or the benches in front of the checkout. I'd nurse Cade discreetly, which with Alayna I would have been a little self-conscious about, but this time around I just don't even think about it. I'm just so relieved for him to not be crying anymore. I've also noticed that no one else seems to care either. I haven't gotten a single weird glance or stare or anything for that matter. I'm sure most people don't even realize what I'm doing (or care for that matter). Not sure if its because we live in a more progressive area of the country or if people are finally "getting it" that babies need to eat, even if its not the most convenient time or place.

Its not all just screaming and crying though (thankfully!). There are definitely the precious, priceless moments. My "banana baby" picture, for example. It was supposed to be a nice warm day, but was chilly and overcast instead. I wanted to put a little jacket on Cade but couldn't find anything clean. Digging through a box, I found this little yellow sweater hand-knit by a lady we used to go to church with. I put it on him and thought, "he looks like a little banana!"

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My Three Kids

Its been neat to observe the kids as they interact with their new brother.

There are lots of silly moments!

Cade wearing a special outfit from Grammy!