Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Introducing a New Blog!

I have decided to write yet another blog titled Christ Centered Mama that will have more of a focus on mothering and childbirth. This is something I've wanted to do for awhile, yet knowing it is a LOT of work, I've put it off until I had it very clearly in my head what exactly I wanted it to be like. I've felt for awhile that I'd like to encourage women who are in the childbearing stage of life to have the best birth experience that they can possibly have and a great start to being a mother. Also, I've been very passionate about helping women who are trying to VBAC....most have to overcome many obstacles and I especially love encouraging those women and helping them with any advice I can offer. So, I have moved some links around on my blog list and all of my "earthy birthy links" have been moved over to that blog. Also, I've added my mom's blog called "Kieft Kapers" and am going to focus this blog as a "family" blog full of pictures of the kids and the events of our lives.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Climbing Boy

Cade has decided he is going to turn into his sister and climb into and onto EVERYTHING! Chairs are just the beginning. I can not keep him off the kitchen table and yesterday he actually tried to climb into the sink (he hasn't been successful yet, luckily!).

Field Day at Arthur Academy

Gavin had field day at school yesterday and I guess it was quite the carnival experience complete with face painting and colored hairspray for goofy hair. I was pretty surprised when I picked him up and saw the kids parading out in all their painted glory!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

We Survived Our First Teeball Season!

Gavin first teeball team

Gavin and Logan
Who's the bigger goofball?

Gavin in the outfield