Friday, September 22, 2006

What a Big Girl!

Alayna has been demonstrating that she wants, very badly, to be able to sit up. However, she has not been able to do this unassisted. So, we got her this Exersaucer (a fabulous deal on Craigslist!) and she absolutely loves it!


Melissa Zollner said...

Oh you found one! And she is just tooooooooooooo cute in it! What a doll face!

Miriam said...

I can't believe her hair. So much less than when I last saw her!! Dad and I are exclaiming how big and grown up she looks. Definately Gavin's sister.

Melissa Zollner said...

And definitely Krista's kids. And definitely Chad's kids... you all look so much alike it cracks me up!