14 Days until School Starts! Gavin is very excited. He has been practicing writing his name and his numbers every day (well, for the last two days at least). We did the official "school supply shopping" the other day and you can see how proud he is. We were told that he needs to bring his pencils to school sharpened, so I got a little electric pencil sharpener and Gavin had a great time opening the packages and sharpening the pencils and putting them in the zipper bag. It turned out to be a great afternoon project for him. The only thing we haven't gotten yet is a new backpack. He does have one, but we bought it a couple of years ago (a "Cars" backpack when he started preschool) and I asked him if he wanted to use that one for kindergarten or get a new one....he said he wanted a new one. We didn't find one that Gavin liked when we were getting the school supplies, so we're going to keep looking. However, Gavin did find a Scooby Doo lunch box that we got for him. Its about twice as big as the Cars one he used for preschool...which is good because I could barely fit a sandwich, juice box and one other item in the old lunch box and I will be putting more things in for him this year since he'll be in school a full day.
I started thinking about the "Kindergarten Let Down" that people talk about. You know, how we get so excited for our kids getting ready for school. We vicariously live through them as they shop for school clothes, supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. Then we send them off and...... go home. I remember the weird feeling I had after dropping him off at preschool the first time. I'm sure this will be similar. However, as it happens, Melissa has planned a Le Leche League picnic at Blue Lake Park that day, so I'll actually have something to look forward to myself.
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