Wednesday, July 26, 2006

From my BabyCenter birth board...

Seen on a sign at the office of a lactation consultant: "If nursing in public offends you, feel free to put a blanket over your head." Hehe, isn't that great?


Kendra Rodriguez said...

I love that comment, I will use it regualarly, Thank you!!

Bishop Family said...

That is hysterical!
Yesterday, Preston & I read something about a magazine that came out last month(a parent one) that had a baby nursing - & apparently there was a huge uproar about how vulgar it was - seemed natural to me - but there was a comment from a reader(lady) that said "I don't want my husband or son to see a breast that they did not want to see" Preston & I both think - that it really is her that doesn't feel comfortable for it. I am all for breastfeeding - but I do believe in a little modesty too

Melissa Zollner said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!!!