Thursday, September 06, 2007

Instant Yard

The sod has been laid and I finally have my beautiful yard!!! (Now I just have to clean up the porch....hehehe) I can't wait to expand my garden next year, as we now have a much larger area designated for that purpose. As Chad and I admired it last night after the crew left, we realized that we have a really big yard! It was so underutilized and it is wonderful to have a big open space for Gavin and Alayna to play. Its so tempting to want to run all over it immediately, but we know we need to wait for the roots to take hold to the ground underneath. In the meantime, though, it sure is pretty to look at.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Nothing but Dirt!

Most of you know that we are doing some major remodeling of our home this summer. Yes, we have been remodeling for the last 3 years, but this summer we are really focusing on finishing all of our projects. This last weekend Chad's brothers, Brian and Logan came down to help Chad tile the kitchen floor and put two new windows in our kitchen. The kitchen is just about done! All that we have left are a few cosmetic changes we want to make. They also mudded the wall that extends from our dining area into our living room. Soon, we will be ready to paint our living room....exciting! Also, as you can see by the pictures, we are having our entire yard re-done. For anyone who has had the pleasure of seeing our weed-patch of a yard, you may agree with me that I actually think the plain dirt is an improvement! :o) Tomorrow the landscapers come back and will put the sod in, mend part of our fence that is down, smooth out all those piles of bark and move some of our plants/trees to make it all look nice. Chad and I will then take a trip to a plant store and top it off with a few shrubs here and there to make it all look really pretty! Stay tuned for the "after" pictures of the yard.....

Swimming Lessons

The last two weeks of August turned out to be pretty busy for us. Gavin attended swimming lessons for a 1/2 hour class every day and absolutely loved it! I was very proud of him as he learned to put his face underwater and is very comfortable jumping in from the side of the pool. He is now a Goldfish Graduate. We celebrated with an ice cream treat! We have decided to continue the lessons in the fall, although he won't be going every day. He'll attend a 5-week "Pre-Penguin" class on Tuesdays and Thursdays to compliment his pre-Kindergarten classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Summer in Michigan

We just returned home after spending the last three weeks visiting my family in Michigan. It was a fun-filled eventful trip and (of course) felt way too short! Above are some pics of Gavin and Alayna at Lake Michigan and a water park near my parents' house.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Gavin Turns 5!!!

Gavin's birthday was a huge success! Friends and family gathered at Pietro's Pizza to celebrate the big 5 with a "Cars" themed party! Most of the event was captured on video, but I got a few pics of Gavin playing games. He even hit the jackpot on one!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cooling Off

Gavin has been waiting for a hot enough day to run through his Spiderman Sprinkler. Alayna wasn't quite sure what to think of the whole thing.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Introducing "Krista's Garden"

I have decided to start a new blog completely dedicated to my garden and the things I am learning while growing vegetables and herbs. This will allow me to use our Harris Family blog for, well, more of our family activities. Feel free to visit me at Krista's Garden!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Watching my plants grow...

...has become my new daily obsession. Call me weird, but to me, its just facinating! Here are my pole beans and bell pepper plants.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Garden Update

This summer my pet project has been learning how to grow herbs and vegetables in my own garden. Its been a lot of fun and educational as well. I posted pictures about a month ago soon after I planted. Here are some updated pictures. Its amazing to look back and see the difference in size.....watching it every day I forget how small the plants were when they were originally planted. The green onions will probably be ready to harvest in about a month. I just harvested the lettuce which made an excellent salad! In the garden, you can see the bare spot where the lettuce was. I learned that lettuce grows best in cool weather, which is why it started getting wilty when the weather got warm. So, now I grow lettuce in pots (pictured with my newest herbs I have yet to plant, Thyme and Oregano) so that I can move it to the shade or even inside depending on the weather. My hope is that I will be able to grow lettuce year round, so I plant every 2 or 3 weeks so that I will always have a steady supply. I learned that marigolds are great at keeping insects away, so I planted several randomly around the garden. Since my last garden posting, I planted green beans, which are climbing plants, which is why they are up against a wood support. I also planted squash and cucumbers (see the picture with the water bottle turned upside new make-shift continuous watering system). The squash (on the right of that picture) is growing much faster (or maybe its just a bigger plant) than the cucumber. I also planted bell peppers next to my beans. The plants are still very small and I don't think they actually are visible in any of my pictures. I'm really, really hoping this turns out well and I actually get a harvest. So far, it looks pretty good and I've really enjoyed spending time weeding and watering. My herbs are doing fantasticly.....the plants are growing so quickly that I can't use it fast enough!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cake, Cake, Cake

Here are a few more pics I wanted to share. I wanted to make a special cake for Alayna, so Gavin helped me make both the big version and Alayna's special cake. Although its far from a professionally made cake, Alayna loved it!

Birthday Party in Washington

Here are some pics from Alayna's birthday party at her grandma's house in Puyallup.

Alayna's First Birthday

It finally happened....Alayna turned 1!!! To celebrate, she received two parties; one with Chad's family in Washington and another with friends here in Portland. Here are pics of the party here which we had just yesterday. Originally, we had planned go to a park and have an outdoor event. However, the weather had other ideas and we moved our event to Papa's Pizza, a fun restaurant with a huge indoor play park.

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Great Year at Tree of Knowledge Preschool

It completely amazes me that a whole school year has come and gone! Wednesday will be Gavin's last day of school and today Miss Bonni (pictured above with Gavin) sent home a CD with an assortment of pictures. I chose just a few that I thought were really great to share. They had a "Daddy and Me" lunch that Chad was able to attend. They picked pumpkins in the fall and have done many, many projects over the coarse of the year. Gavin has grown SO MUCH this year. He has made so many friends! I'm sad that the year is over, but happy that Gavin will be returning next year. Yes, that's right. We decided to wait another year for Kindergarten after debating the pros and cons and discussing it with his teacher. The great thing is that Gavin happened to be in a "young" class and 8 of the 16 students in his class will be returning next year and they will all be together again in the same class. These kids either didn't make the age cutoff for Kindergarten or they (like Gavin) have summer birthdays and their parents decided to wait a year as well. But it will be hard to say goodbye to Miss Bonni. As a parent, I truly appreciate her (and Miss Carrie, her assistant) and will miss the hugs she gives Gavin each day as he comes to school and the praise she lavishes on him. I know that next year he will have another set of wonderful memories, but in my heart and mind nobody will ever be able to live up to the standard Miss Bonni has set. I'm already telling her to just wait and in a few more years I'll be sending Alayna to her!

Improvised Waterslide

This was my grand idea.....wouldn't Gavin just love having a waterslide? I wonder if we put his little slide in the pool and then he could slide down it into the water. Before I knew it, he was "surfing" down it (on his feet) and sliding down on his belly....HEAD FIRST! Fortunately there were no trips to the emergency room! Although the water was too cold for Alayna, the air was warm (another day in 80s!) and she loved having some diaper-free time.