Monday, December 22, 2008

The Snow Just Keeps Coming!

Believe it or not, its STILL snowing! This most recent picture was just taken (about 3 hours after I took the previous pics) and shows the massive amount of snow that is piling up! Gavin started asking if it would snow so much that it would cover the house! I laughed and said, "I don't think so, honey" I'm starting to wonder. No, according to the news, it looks like we're right on the edge of the will probably stop accumulating soon as this storm blows through.

Portland Blizzard

We have snow! And lots of it too! I took these pics this morning....this shows the "drifts" that have been created as the snow has been blown up against the fence. There is another drift on our back porch that is probably about waist deep!

Why did I snap a pic of our recycling bin? Just to show how much snow has actually looks like about 4 or 5 inches to me.

This is NOT what I meant when I said I wanted a winter garden!

Preparing for Christmas

Alayna checking the lights in the star....just to make sure they all work, of course!

Gavin and Alayna were a BIG help getting the lights onto the tree!

Gavin singing for his school Christmas concert. It was a very neat concert. The theme was "Around the World at Christmas Time". Gavin's class sang "What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Baby?" (African American Spiritual) and "O Tannenbaum!" (Germany). Select other songs included "Here We Come A Wassailing" (England), "Para Pedir Posada" (Guatemala...Yes, the 4th graders sang in Spanish) and "Gong xi fa cai" (China...And yes, the 3rd graders actually sang in Chinese!!!) The whole thing was highly impressive!

This is the church where the concert was held...just beautiful!

I wanted to get a picture of Gavin's music teacher because he looks completely different from what I would have expected. You know, the sterotypical male elementary teacher in his 40s and wears a sweater vest....this guy looks like he should be in a rock band or something. (Sorry if I've offended any teachers out there.) I took several pictures, but this was the only one that was somewhat not blurry. Oh, and this picture is actually taken of the 5th graders who learned to play these instruments....I can't remember what they are called, but think of a bell choir, but with these sticks that you hit on your hand and the different colors produce different sounds. It was highly cool!

Monday, December 01, 2008

~Happy Thanksgiving~

It has been way too long since I've posted pictures, but hopefully this little smiling face makes up for it! Cade is now six months old. He just started rolling over and scooting around on his tummy. He very much wants to crawl and one of these days (soon) he'll figure out how!

We spent Thanksgiving in Puyallup with Chad's family. Everyone was in charge of a portion of the meal.....we provided the turkey & stuffing! It was a great day spending time with everyone!

Chad and his brother, Dan, relaxing at the table after the big meal!

Kate (Dan's girlfriend), Ashtin (our niece; Tammy's oldest) & Cade posing for a pic.

Mama & Alayna taking a picture of ourselves....Alayna loves looking at herself in the viewfinder!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

One More Election Post

Ok, I promise, after this I won't post anything more about the election. I happened upon this blog and I agreed so completely with it and thought of emailing it to lots of people, but then decided to post it here so that everyone who has interest can read it.

A Christian's Response to the 2008 Presidential Election

Thoughts After An Election

It was an exciting time watching the results pour in on TV last night. It was also conflicting for me, as I really do like both candidates personally. I've felt for some time that our two choices were both excellent candidates, qualified in different ways. I've defended both Obama and McCain to different people (devil's advocate?) over the last several months and last night it hit me that the road was ending for one of them. As the night wore on, it became more and more obvious that McCain would come up with the short end of the stick. When the official announcement was made, it was bittersweet for me. I was excited about an historic election. My grandchildren will probably ask me some day what it was like to elect the first black President of the United States the same way I wonder what it was like to listen to Martin Luther King's Dream Speech. But, I admit that when McCain took that stage to give his concession speech, a tear fell as I watched the dream end for this man of honor.

As someone who is now completely addicted to Facebook, I also kept tabs on my friends "status reports", an area where all of my friends can write a blurb about themselves and I view the whole thing on one page. It was interesting to view the polarizing thoughts. Some cheered and leapt for joy; others were disgusted and declared that our country as we know it is over! I know for the next several days and weeks there will probably be hostile feelings. My hope, though, is that in time we can all come together as a nation, the UNITED States of America! No, things won't be perfect and we can and should all stay just as involved and invested in what our government is doing as we are right now. But hopefully we can all move forward, now, together.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween Fun

Princess Alayna & Batman

After school, Gavin changed into his costume within about 5 minutes of arriving home. He then went next door and waited for the neighbors to get home from school (they usually get home about 20-30 minutes after Gavin). Then they quickly changed and everyone played outside until trick or treating time!

I'm so glad she's finally willing to wear the crown! She usually doesn't keep anything in her hair. This was her 2-yr-birthday crown, actually, but its the first time she's willing to wear it!

We went to Melissa, Jason, Maddy & Karis's house for some fun and trick-or-treating!
Here I am with my princess and my pea!

Froggy Karis, Batman Gavin, Tigger Maddy & Princess Alayna all inspecting their treasures (aka candy)!

I'm awake, I'm awake! Are we ready to go? What? I MISSED IT?! Its all over?
Ok, well back to sleep then!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recent Pics

In the morning, before we took Gavin to school. Alayna was all dressed and ready to go to her gym class at the community center. Brother & Sister.... I love this picture of them together!

Of course, this is how the boys play! Gavin's already training Cade to wrestle.

Cade loves lying on blankets....especially the super-soft microplush ones!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Single Mom for a Week

Chad was in Kansas City for a week long training for his new job at Yellow. He left early Sunday morning and is coming home tonight (Friday night). As I type, its 10:30 p.m..... his flight should be coming in at any time and I expect him home within about an hour or so. It was definitely a LONG week, especially with all of the Doctor appts (all three had appts this week). Oh, that reminds me. Cade had his 4 month check up and is already 17 lb, 8 oz!!! He is in roughly the 85% for both height and weight. Of course, he's still in the 10% for head size....that's my kid for you! All three of them had 10% heads....go figure!

Well, it will be nice to finally have Chad home! I am looking forward to a well-earned break this weekend!
Alayna loves to grab Mommy's cell phone and "talk" to people. She informed me that she was talking to Daddy this particular time.
Gavin can be such a weirdo sometimes! Here he is, in a laundry basket, on the chair, watching TV.

Monday, October 06, 2008

My Cute Boy!

Cade was having an exceptionally cute moment laying on his blanket and cooing, so I grabbed some pics!

Ghost with the Most!

Chad found two cute halloween onesies for Cade the other day while shopping. Here he is sporting the "Casper" look!

Oh, Alayna!

So.....if you ever wonder why I'm no longer keeping full rolls of toilet paper on the you know!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Alayna's First Hair Cut

We went to Melissa's house today to play with Maddy and also so that Chad could help Jason (Melissa's husband) install some windows. With the focus on Alayna's eczema issues, I realized I hadn't combed Alayna's hair in several days. A dreadlock was forming! I commented that I really needed to get Alayna's hair cut. Melissa, who was wildly successful cutting Maddy's hair, agreed to give it a try. So, a big "thank you" to looks awesome!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Alayna's having a tough time

We've had a whirlwind of a time the last couple of days. Alayna has been battling excema for well over a year now, but it really has gotten horribly bad over the last month.....of course, now that we don't have health insurance (we are covered again with Chad's new company starting Oct. 1st, soon). So, two nights ago it got so bad that Alayna had scratched her knees until they bled.....and I'm not talking about a small scratch with a little blood. I took Gavin to church and when I returned home Chad met me at the door frantically wondering where the first aid kit was. Of course, I knew exactly where it was and we had to clean it, but vaseline on it and bandage it with gause and medical tape (our biggest bandaid wasn't big enough). Poor thing was miserable! Chad said we HAVE to take her somewhere....this just can't wait any longer. So, next day I took her to our naturopathic doctor....I absolutely LOVE Dr. Jen at the Natural Childbirth & Family Clinic! So, we think its allergy-related. We're going to get allergy/food intolerance testing done in a couple of weeks (its a different dr. who does the testing and that was the soonest we could get an appt.) In the meantime, we're doing hydrocortezone cream and lots of vitamins and probiotics to get her immune system under control again. We talked lots and lots during the appt. and I mentioned my garden and we talked about all of the foods we've been eating lots of. She mentioned that the most common allergens for this time of year and from what her skin looks like are corn, tomatoes and dairy. Well, the only thing we've been eating in massive quantities are tomatoes!!!!! Dairy, sure, but we've always eaten lots of dairy. We won't know for sure until the testing, but I'm thinking that's probably the culprit! I'm avoiding all of those foods for awhile, though, until we know for sure!
My little monkey doodle in his Monkey Doodle diaper!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cade ~4 Months~

Wow! Time flies! I can't believe that Cade is already 4 months old. Here's a pic I took this morning.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Puyallup Fair

We went to Puyallup this weekend to spend time with Chad's family, attend our niece, Tate's, 10th birthday party and while we were there, we decided to go to the Puyallup Fair. Now, the fair is a big deal. Chad has fond memories of going to the fair each year when he was a kid. There are vendors who sell things, big barns of farm animals and tons of rides. Chad has been saying for years that we need to go to the fair and this is the first year we've gone. Above, Gavin got to try on a fire fighter jacket at the fire truck display. As for rides, Gavin was very specific on the rides he would and would not go on. The giant slide was his number 1 pick! In fact, he liked it so much he rode it twice....the first time with Daddy and the second time with me. He also decided he would ride the Ferris Wheel, which Chad went with him on. However, any ride that went round in a circle was a no go.....even the chinsy little kid rides he refused to ride.
We thought that it would be cute to get Gavin and Alayna on one of the little kid rides and they both were excited about this little motorcycle ride (basically a small carousel with little colored motorcycles), but as soon as we put Alayna on it, she freaked out! Gavin wouldn't ride by himself and the ride was for kids only, so I have no cute picture of the kids on the motorcycle ride and Alayna spent the rest of our time there in her stroller.

Megan (Chad's youngest sister) went with us and this was the ride she was most looking forward to. As you can see, you sit inside the bear and you go around in a circle and you can spin the bear (can you see the wheel that Chad is leaning on?) Despite its cuteness, this ride actually made Chad feel sick.....too much spinning!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Perfect Post about Birth

I've been reading lots of blogs recently. Many have been about birth, which you all know I'm passionate about. I just came across a post that I read, then sat and thought about, then read again, let it sink in and (yes!) read it again. Its kind of an old post, but the truth of it is relevent no matter when it was written. Some of you don't care a hill of beans about this topic, and for you I don't recommend this posting, but if you are interested or even intrigued about this topic that I have become so passionate about, take a look here!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Gavin's First Day of School

Gavin's first day of school was this past Thursday, Sept. 4th. He was so excited to wear his new school clothes and take his new Scooby Doo lunch box to school with him. The day passed quickly for me as I had a Le Leche League lunch at a local park to attend. By the time we got home, it was almost time to go pick Gavin up. Alayna didn't even have time for a nap! Gavin seemed very excited when I picked him up. He said that he had a good day and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Once we got home, I made an after-school snack and the phone rang. It was the school manager (basically, the principal). She asked me the strangest question. "I have a question about Gavin," she said. "Is he supposed to be in kindergarten or 1st grade?" Startled, I blurted out, "Kindergarten....that IS where he spent the day today, right?" "Uh, no, actually he was in the 1st grade class today." "WHAT????" You can imagine my horror! Apparently, Gavin's name was somehow on both the kindergarten and 1st grade class lists so no one noticed that he was in the wrong class. It wasn't until the afternoon when they did some placement testing and were greatly concerned that Gavin did not seem ready for 1st grade! "He'll be just fine in Kindergarten," the school manager continued. Well, DUH!!!! I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but the lack of communication and organization at this school is starting to worry me a bit. The school manager is new to our school this year and I'm trying to keep an attitude of grace knowing that its gotta get better, but with each mistake, its getting harder to do. Oh, and after I got off the phone with the school manager, I asked Gavin about what happened and he immediately started crying! He confessed that he had walked to the wrong room and wasn't sure what to do. Of course, I made sure he knew that none of it was his fault and that we'd get it all straightened out the next day so he could be in the right class.

Tomorrow is Monday and Gavin's first full week of school. I'm hoping that things start to go smoother and hopefully the communication improves. I think I'm going to see what I can do to volunteer and get more involved with the school. I know that's an excellent way to "stay in the loop". It will be hard to do certain things with Alayna and Cade, but maybe there are "paperworky" kinds of things that I could do at home.....we'll see I guess!