Monday, December 22, 2008

The Snow Just Keeps Coming!

Believe it or not, its STILL snowing! This most recent picture was just taken (about 3 hours after I took the previous pics) and shows the massive amount of snow that is piling up! Gavin started asking if it would snow so much that it would cover the house! I laughed and said, "I don't think so, honey" I'm starting to wonder. No, according to the news, it looks like we're right on the edge of the will probably stop accumulating soon as this storm blows through.

1 comment:

Steph and Mathew said...

Hey Krista! Chad told me about your blog not too long ago and I finally decided to do one! I always enjoy reading your updates! I can't believe how big your kids are!!!!! They're SO cute! I saw a movie not to long ago that made me think of you. Have you seen "The Business of Being Born"? It's a documentary Ricki Lake did on midwives. It's REALLY good! Anywho, can you believe this snow??? I'm going nuts in my house! If I don't talk to you guys before Merry Christmas!