Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day Project

We decided to take advantage of a day with no rain to paint our house today. We put new siding on our house last summer and it really needed to be painted by this year. We planned to do it sometime this summer and before we knew it, summer was over! It really turned out to be a fun project.....labor intensive, yes, but fun. Gavin loved helping and the kids from next door came over to help as well.

Everyone working hard!

Cade, our foreman, did his job well as supervisor!

Of course, 20 minutes into the project, it became "boring" for the kids and Chad did most of the work finishing the job!

The finished product! We still have some trimwork to do, but the main painting job is finished....yay! So, what did I do during all of this? I painted a little during Alayna's nap, but between managing Alayna (who was inside playing, snacking and watching Scooby Doo) and nursing Cade, I didn't spend as much time helping as I would have liked to.


Krista said...

For some reason, the color didn't come out well in these photos. The unpainted siding was a cream color and we painted it a mossy green. We really think it turned out well.

Melissa Zollner said...

I was just thinking, hmmn, that looks beige to me. Cant wait to see the real mossy, ferny, greeny real thing.

Miriam said...

It looks great!!! I had forgotten that you said you were going to paint it green until I saw the last pic.

Wow!! Cade really has his own look now. I can see the family resemblance
in his eyes. What a cutie pie!!

Kevin said...

Hi there, saw you commented on my blog( Thanks so much for your encouraging words. Funny thing is this, the more I read your blog the more I find we have in common. Well first, my wife Toree used to teach Bradley Natural childbirth classes. She did it for several years. Now my wife teaches classes on organic gardening and urban gardens. You can check her out at And last, but not least I too have a son named Caden. And to top it all off, looks like you are in love with the Lord. Weird at all the similarities. Well take care, house painting looks great by the way.