Saturday, March 31, 2007

She's Crawling!

Two days ago Alayna decided she finally wanted to start moving her legs with her arms and actually crawl! She's been doing this "army crawl" for the past several weeks, where she trys to move by crawling with her arms and dragging her legs behind. Needless to say, she could never get very far. So, no more unattentiveness for mommy!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Its hard being a kid

This was the funniest thing and I just HAD to share it! Melissa came over today for some good ole girl time. We had fun watching my Tivoed "Grease: You're the One that I want" episode from this past weekend. Gavin was very patient as he waited for "his turn". After she left, he said that he wanted to play his video game, so I thought I'd set it up for him and take a few minutes to call Chad (he's working in Seattle today and tomorrow), so I went back to Alayna's room for a bit of quiet (as much quiet as I could get holding Alayna anyway). Unfortunately, I didn't get Chad and left a message. When I came back to the living room (which was about 5 minutes later), Gavin was laying there and looked like he was playing his video game, but his car wasn't moving. As I walked up to him, I realized he was asleep!!! With the daylight savings time change, he had a hard time going to bed last night and then he woke up very early this morning, so I expected him to go to bed early tonight, but not this early! Anyway, I knew that my words could NOT do this justice and these pictures definitely do speak at least a thousand!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Alayna is now saying "mama". Unfortunately, its only when she is crying.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Daddy's Girl

Alayna is now 9 months old, can you believe it? She has had quite a few "firsts" in the last month or so. First of all, she is quite the talker....her favorite phrase (and according to Chad, her first word) is dadadadada. But before Chad got too cocky about it, I did remind him that she says that to everyone: him, me, Gavin, anyone. I'm working on "mama" to even it up, but no luck yet. Also, Alayna loves to make a sound that is kind of a cross between rolling her r's and gargling. I keep joking that she's already practicing her Spanish.

Although she's not crawling yet, she is SO CLOSE. She will reach for an object that is just out of reach and somehow scoot her body to grab it. She will also use her arms to push herself up from a laying position to sitting (which I think is completely impressive!). Of course, my ego goes flat when I got asked for the first time the other day if she was WALKING yet!?! (Seriously, is 9 months a normal age for walking??)

Funny enough, the one area that doesn't appear to be progressing at all is teething. Not one tooth yet. Its pretty funny to me because I could have sworn that she was teething around 2 months old and here we are 7 months later and no teeth. Gavin didn't get his first tooth until almost 11 months old, so I guess I just have kids who teethe late (which, to be honest, I really don't mind).